What is Cryptocurrency? Cryptocurrency is a digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently
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A new Tezos token called tzBTC brings Bitcoin (BTC) to the Tezos blockchain for the first time. The token was developed under the direction of the Tezos Foundation and the
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The Chinese government is shifting up a gear in anti-crypto propaganda. That she needs it shows more than anything how powerful Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are. China’s “Blockchain-based Service Network”
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The graveyard of Bitcoin’s fungibility As a result, some in the cryptocurrency ecosystem think that fungibility is dead for Bitcoin. Fungibility means that one coin is like another like an
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Weaknesses of the current MakerDAO First, let’s review the problems that MakerDAO currently faces. As written in this article, MakerDAO is a system in which borrowers’ losses are quite large. Borrowers
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